Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Storm Chasing Documentation Has Resumed

Hi friends,

I don't know what prompted me to take up blogging again, for the millionth time, today of all days, but I decided to give it another chance and see where we might end up. My boys are amazing these days. Don't get me wrong... they have always been amazing. Anyone who knows me knows that I adore my boys. There's just something about the age they're at right now that is so full of new and fun and force-me-to-live-outside-of-my-boxness that I can't help but get it all down somewhere. And since I type a whole lot faster than I write I thought it was worth another try to hope that maybe this time I'll get so hooked that I continue. We'll see... 

So be prepared for posts having mostly to do with mom-stuff. There's a very good chance this blog will be full of the normal mom "gush" that us moms are so good at doing. I mean c'mon, surely no one else's toddler has mispronounced spaghetti as cute as mine :) If this genre of reading isn't up your alley, feel free to abandon my blog; it's mostly for me anyway. But should you be a brave soul who enjoys an occasional laugh... than this storm chasing mommy blog is your ticket to exactly that. Join me as I document the exciting, and often times not-so-exciting, adventures of raising twin 2 year old boys as we anxiously await the arrival of their baby "twister"... sister that is :)

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